Thursday, May 19, 2011

Genera, Termkit, Unix: what a fucking joke Unix is!

I've been going through info on Genera and Stanislav's site when some commenter on there mentioned Losethose, possibly as a joke.

It's worth watching the first few minutes of the first video. Especially if you're familiar with LISP or Smalltalk. Because then you immediately understand what a sick joke is the conceit, the pretense, of Unix that it "supports C".

Unix doesn't support C. In fact, Unix supports nothing. Unix is a sick fucking joke of an OS.

Take this project for instance. Termkit is just trying to reproduce one small feature of Dynamic Windows on Symbolics' Lisp Machines. See Using A Lisp Machine 1 as proof.

Except that Termkit provides a distinctly inferior version of the objectedness found in Dynamic Windows. And it sure as fucking hell didn't take the Symbolics team a year to program it! Actually, I predict that like many other similar projects to improve Unix, Termkit will die quietly.

What is Unix? It is a sick fucking joke. An undead monstrosity shambling along from the dinosaur age when interactivity didn't exist. Unix was created for batch processing and was never meant to work with anything better. And it has failed to adapt to newer hardware.

1 comment:

  1. Re: TermKit.

    If you're going to break down other people's work, at least have the decency to put your reasoning into words, instead of just smugly posting a link as if that was the end of the argument.

    If everyone is doing it wrong, then clearly, you have a perspective that others do not share, and which they are not going to gain by just reading an angry, superior sounding dismissal.

    I detailed my reasons and my thinking, and at no point did I call it anything but an "attempt" or a "prototype".

    I invite you to extoll the various way in which I suck at .
