Monday, July 11, 2011

People Who Waste My Time Calling Me A Troll

The ultimate hypocrisy is a lying asshole like programmer Tom Novelli of TUNES fame calling me a troll after he has gone out of his way to deliberately waste my time.

Let me be very clear. If you think I'm a "troll", a person who "goes out of his way to upset everyone's precious Harmony" ... fuck you. Seriously, go fuck yourself. I do not care to talk to you. Ever. I consider you to be retarded and a moron to boot. Talking to you will be either painful or excruciatingly boring to me. It is not an experience I will enjoy.

I do not need you to be my "friend". I do not even need you to be friendly. What I need from you is to stay the fuck out of my way. Preferably by warning me that you are worthless if I think otherwise. Because as you pat yourself on the back about how tolerant and open-minded you are like some POMO cultural relativistic fucker, the truth is that you are stealing my time!

What I need from people who aren't my intellectual equals is their acceptance of that simple fact. Either so they will believe what I tell them implicitly or so I can avoid the many subjects they cannot understand. Anyone who is hostile to me and hostile to the truth will obviously not provide me that acceptance. So they can just go fuck themselves and stay out of my way.

And if you don't. If after this warning you still waste my time in order to make yourself feel better, I will do everything I can, and it is considerable, to destroy you psychologically.


  1. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Trololol :D

  2. As if I needed any more proof that you are completely and utterly worthless.

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Yay, I got a response :b

  4. Augustus Cole4:41 AM

    Chillax man. Obviously you were made hyper-intelligent AND wise so that you could give the people with influence inspiration to make your well thought out rants into something that can help the world.

  5. (Flat stare) You have got to be kidding.

    I mean that in the meta-joke sense. You're kidding about trying to make a funny joke, right?

    I think ... yes I do appreciate your meta-humour.

  6. Colin Slade5:11 PM

    I am not your intellectual equal and I accept that, you seem fucking brilliant. Which is why I'm reading all of your posts trying to come closer.

  7. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I could try arguing with you intelligibly, but it would be a waste of effort on my part. Therefore, I will simply say the following:


  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    One who so assuredly considers himself an intellectual giant surely is blinded by his own arrogance. So many of your posts are guided by childish emotions. "Fuck this guy, fuck these ideologies, ad hominem, group x is stupid. If you want to be taken seriously you ought to refine your arguments. You should realize there are literally thousands of autistic STEM/programmer bloggers, with very similar beliefs as you. Self awareness might help your cause, but I don't know, it might crumble the carefully crafted ego you have put so much effort into building. This blog has almost zero influence on the world, you aren't going to change anything with it. Just giving you a sanity check, it could inspire positive changes....or you'll just childishly insult me.
