Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gods Exist

Plural. And this can be proved easily as a fact, not as a metaphor, so long as you examine the defining attributes of a real god.

What Gods Aren't

Some moronic retarded inbred idiots believe that gods are beings who are worshiped but counter-examples to this ridiculous claim are legion. They start with Odin All-Father who went around in the guise of an elderly male stranger.

Did Odin give up his godhood when he put on a poor traveler's cloak? Did he stop being a god because he enjoyed knowing the truth of things and knew that his followers lied to his face? Did King Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden cease being king just because he traveled around incognito among his followers?!

What about Cronus Baby-Eater? Did he cease being a god just because nobody worshiped him anymore? Did his demotion to king and lawgiver of Latium mean he wasn't a god anymore? You'd have a hard time selling this to an Englishman since Charles the Prince of Wales is also Duke of Cornwall and Earl of Chester.

It is NARCISSISTIC to believe that HUMAN worship is what matters to a GOD! It is Narcissistic to believe that gods even WANT worship, that they must be JUST LIKE THE NARCISSIST! And while it's certainly true that many gods are narcissistic attention-seeking fucks, it is equally true that many aren't.

Other inbred morons in academe believe that gods are anthropomorphizations of the forces of nature. After all, you've got the sky god, the earth god, the fertility god, the volcano god, seems to make sense, doesn't it? Except that JESUS doesn't fit. What is he a force of nature OF? He ISN'T! And neither is his father Jehovah II the Creator. As opposed to Jehovah I the High Lord aka The Evil Deceptive Slaver.

What Gods Are

What are the attributes of a real god? It's omnipotent, omnipresent, and holds sway beyond the mere level of every person's actions but into their very thoughts or bodies. Something that disqualifies Jesus by the way and is why he was never a god. Although it does qualify his father Jehovah II the Clueless and his predecessor Jehovah I the Gutless. Nonetheless, Jesus is CLOSE to being a god and so we can learn a lot about godhood from what he is.

What is Jesus? He is the anthropomorphization of the omnipotent and omnipresent force of HUMAN CULTURE. An omnipotent and omnipresent force that suddenly became a lot more benevolent and much less harsh when Christianity came to dominate and suddenly infanticide was no longer quite so common.

Jesus wants you to live = Human culture wants you to live. Jesus absolved you of Original Sin = Human culture absolves you of the pain and death accompanying labour. Jesus exists everywhere and at all times = Human culture exists everywhere and at all times. Jesus loves you = Human culture loves you. Through Jesus you can find Life = through Culture you can find life. Enough.

Gods are not mere incarnations of the forces of nature. And gods need not be wrathful. The Blind Idiot God Azathoth of Lovecraft's is the incarnation of his cosmic indifferentism. And Jehovah II the Creator is too clueless about what he's about to even be incarnate, let alone wrathful.

Modern Gods

Anyone who knows anything at all about Judaism knows it's omnipresent and omnipotent, ruling with an iron fist all Jews' actions and thoughts themselves. It is most definitely a god. An Evil Right-Wing Authoritarian one that cherishes stasis, tribalism, orthodoxy, xenophobia and traditionalism. The atheist Jews that sought to escape the embrace of that Evil controlling god were the original Dreammakers, heralds of another Evil Psychopathic god called Hollywood, the godly incarnation of all deception.

But as we've seen, not all gods are Evil. Although all tribal gods are psychopathic which is why they were all exterminated except for Judaism the Controller and liar. So how about that America the Hegemon, ruler of the entire world? Omnipresent, check. Omnipotent, check. Dying or dead, check. It's almost entirely given way to America the High Lord, RWA Evil. It used to be the Persians only ACCUSED America the Hegemon of being The High Lord because THEY THEMSELVES were Evil and RWA. No longer.

I could go on. The European nations have semi-consciously given birth to a god, The Equalizer as direct counter to The Hegemon. And thank goodness, or I suppose Neutrality, they did so now there's still a non-Evil god active in the world even after The Hegemon succumbed to the fascist's corruptino. The Chinese are really banking on their own god The Uplifter. It just shows their desperation that they're worshiping a Clueless god like Christians do and that it's a cabal of Evil RWA engineers that created this god! Maybe they cottoned on that their traditional Evil gods weren't doing it for them.

Communism the Hegemon is dead. RWA Evil corruption had enough of a hold in both Hegemons that they tried to preempt each other rather than cooperating. Preemption is an intrinsically RWA concept. The RWA corruptors failed to get the two Hegemons to destroy the world between them (although JFK was all for taking down the entire world with his suicidal self) but it succeeded in first killing the weaker Hegemon god and now corrupting the more powerful.

There are other gods. Human history is replete with them. But as we've seen from history, gods can die. So I'm not going to be naming any of the gods being born nor their numbers, or distribution or disposition. My point is made, gods PLURAL exist. Gods PLURAL are real. And Jehovah II the clueless Creator is very unimpressive amongst them. And Jesus doesn't even rate. And you can cease worshiping the gods you pathetic worthless sycophants because only the Evil gods care!

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