Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Against Meditation

Some retarded Gaian morons go on about how much they like meditation and how it works for them. Being incapable of logic, and thinking in terms of magic, they "think" (if their mental processes can even be construed as thinking) that "it works for us, and it has a biological effect on our human bodies, others have human bodies, therefore it must work for others" which of course is pure magic.

The REASON meditation works for Gaians is because they LIKE IT and it RELAXES them. Why? Because among their most basic values they have continuation, staying and restraint. So sitting there like a lump makes them feel great. Whereas for 90% of people, it just makes them feel like a fucking idiot! And for over 10% of the 90%, the thought of "emptying your mind" feels like DEATH!

But never mind that, EVERYONE must LOVE sitting there like a fucking lump! Despite the fact that people in general have far less averse reactions towards massages than meditation (applicability 70-100% vs 10%), no that's not proof of anything. The fact that people like massages better than meditation isn't disproof of how awesome meditation is according to Gaians who like meditation. The fact that church is just as applicable as meditation to the general population also says nothing.

According to these yoyos, if you dislike meditation then it's evidence you're an inferior person who "won't try new things" and you should just try it anyways, the same way as you should try slitting your wrists or snorting cocaine on the word of a drug addict. According to them, you should MODIFY your likes and dislikes in order to like meditation and BE MORE LIKE THEM. Because EVERYONE should be a Gaian!

I firmly believe that Gaians' retarded antics are why the word "justifiable" exists in "justifiable homicide". They should be killed until they learn their lesson. That being: to not even try to fuck with anyone else. Those disrespectful smarmy sons of whores. Speaking of whores, even those have greater applicability (30-70%) than meditation.

But don't waste your breath trying to convince them. Like I said, magical thinkers. You might as well be talking to a wall. Only having their lives threatened will ever convince them, because that is what they cherish above all things.


  1. Hey I am a libertarian socialist as yourself. I share vast majority of views you hold, except I would appreciate a chance to attempt to explain to you why you are wrong about this particular topic.

    I used to make the same arguments, until I got re-introduced to meditation via secular Buddhists (such as Stephen Bachelor, Gil Fronsdal) and ACT therapy.

    Please don't take offense, but your analytic philosophy and math competency provide little help in the kind of philosophy/practice that is being talked about. If you allow me, I can explain it without jargon (including Zen) in purely analytic terms in a way that will imply quite the opposite of what you describe in your posts.

    I do however fully understand that lots of Bullshit exists in eastern philosophy and Buddhism. But Newton was into all kind of stupid shit and we don't reject his good ideas for it.

    Let me know if interested.

    Shoot me email at etblogging@gmail.com

  2. Wait aren't you an anarchist? Anarchist are socialists no (democratic ownership of means of production)? Also libertarian socialism is synonymous with anarchism by my understanding.

    I use classic definitions before the double speak took over under capitalism.

  3. The philosophy used there relies on a different language-game then you are used to.

    The language-game requires experiencing first hand what is being talked about, developing the required references and aligning them with words that they used. Now usually the words in context of Buddhism means different things from everyday usage, thus creating confusion.

    Now in terms of meditation, here is example of one of those things that is graspable but can only be experienced through training:

    Assuming hard determinism, it is clear that thoughts aren't really produced by "self". They happen to us, and we attribute self to them. So "YOU" thinking is a trick a mind pulls after the fact of thought being produced.

    Now in meditation (at first) one chooses object of attention and eventually notices that mind constantly by-itself without "your" volition produces content such as thoughts, memories, etc... Now as one keeps coming back to the chosen object of attention this fact becomes clearer and clearer until the illusion is penetrated and one sees Thought as THOUGHT. I,e not as I AM THINKING XYZ, but THOUGHT has occurred. The attribution of self is extra.

    Once this is evident, one can keep practicing keeping this diffusion from thought until events in the mind become merely events. At this point it is incredibly useful because it eliminates a lot of confirmation bias, and pointless rumination. Now one has the freedom to not hop on a particular train of thought, but simply notice that the pull to think about XYZ is there. Without thinking the thoughts are yours, they loose the power to seem true and control behavior directly.

    For example when you think "I don't want to do X but i have to" in untrained state you will see it as problem to be solved to change not-want to want. In a trained state you will not see it as problem but merely a pop-up produced by the mind. Since it isn't you, it can be observed and let go of. I,e not you are not resisting resistance, but simply doing.

    Also it helps with rumination. Noticing rumination beginning and not having to think about it is useful. In fact it is kind of like installing an Observer Pattern (programming) for thoughts. Each thought registers from "you" as observer and on instantiation prompts you for analysis whether it is useful to continue thinking about it or not.

    Another way of thinking about it is that the experience of you thinking becomes two separate experiences. The experience of you, and the experience of thought. In this way there is no subject-object relationship but simply objects in awareness.

    This not-self of a particular thing is called emptiness (as in empty of self).

    Anyways this is just one example of how meditation isn't just sitting. There is bazillions more concepts. Does it make sense at least? I am not asking for agreement.

  4. Now one personal note, I consider you to be really smart but find it rather contradictory that you hold anarcho-communist ideals and yet so freely communicate with such elitist and offensive quality.

    Does it not contradict mutual respect which is part of egalitarianism. Is verbal bullying not a type of subtle hierarchy of domination?

    Unless, you are using this as a strategy to only keep like minded people on your blog, which I understand.

    Please read my longer response carefully. I am trained in analytically philosophy, comp-sci, and neuroscience and yet found good ideas there. Not arguing from authority, just saying that I don't want you to think i'm some brainless happy thoughts idiot.

  5. Also, I shudder at the thought of you programming anything at all. Why? Because your brain is not innately capable of logic. That's right, LOGIC. That thing you BELIEVE you know but you really DON'T. Just as you BELIEVE you know what 'analysis' means despite the fact you're using the word in a completely different manner!

    Not only aren't you speaking my language, but you don't understand the concepts that I do. In fact, you CAN'T understand the concepts that I do. Your brain is too deficient for it. And for you to even remotely consider yourself my equal is disgusting.

  6. You know why I am talking about this. Because I am well familiar with politics induced depression you mention in another post.

    Meditation allows one to see reality and yet maintain equanimity in the face of it that allows one to act skillfully as opposed to succumbing to helpless suicidal rage.

    It is not about inaction or passivity. This is why I am talking about this. Because it helped me, and I want to help comrade deal with capitalism.

    Fuck, why be such dick to me man? Here I thought I made a like-minded friend to discuss shit with.


  7. Anyways man just want you to know. If you need help, let me fucking know. I know the pain. It almost killed me. I give a fuck.

    Don't worry I won't bother you anymore. May we find freedom, for both our sakes.

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  9. TheFarLane11:02 AM

    Please make a Youtube.
