Saturday, March 22, 2014


What is rationality? It's the ability to make life plans which reach your goals. Funny thing though, the INABILITY to (care about) making such plans is the defining trait of psychopaths. In other words, Narcissists qualify as rational. No wonder Narcissist shitheads like Yudkowsky go on and on and on about rational this and rational that. He's basically crowing in triumph "I am not a psychopath!!" like it's this marvelous achievement worthy of acclaim. Worthy of adulation even!

And for your information, I first heard that definition of rationality many years before I'd ever heard of Yudkowsky or even knew what Narcissism or Psychopathy were. I heard about it from a philosophy book trying to justify Good according to Evil principles. It was a disgusting exercise but for the exercise to work the disgusting fucker obviously had to admit Narcissists and Right-Wing Authoritarians. You know, to even HAVE Evil in his assumptions.

Man, it sounds so self-aggrandizing to hear "I am not a psychopath!! HAHA. IN YOUR FACE PERSON WHO ISN'T LIKE ME!"


  1. "What is rationality? It's the ability to make life plans which reach your goals. Funny thing though, the INABILITY to (care about) making such plans is the defining trait of psychopaths. In other words, Narcissists qualify as rational."

    Is this sarcastic? Or is there a typo somewhere?

  2. Go away, this blog is not for you.

  3. It is for me, I've read all your posts on LessWrong criticism. They are the most accessible ones on the Internet.

  4. If you value accessibility then don't make your questions cryptic. What do you want to know?

  5. Sociopathy is marked by an atrophy or down-regulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is heavily involved in the integration of sensory inputs and emotional associations for the purpose of long-term planning. Trauma and lesions in that part of the brain are associated with disinhibition, wandering attention and punctuated anhedonia. In other words, Richard's definition is not just logical but empirically correct.
