Monday, June 29, 2015

The More Sordid Secrets Of Gaians

Because Gaians don't have souls and have to eat others' in order to possess what you mistakenly confuse for a personality, they're the only personality type that hybridizes with other personality types.

This results in Gaian affiliations. What everyone else would call a type but Gaians don't believe in personality types.

Psychopath Gaian - believes that everyone should die, but also believes in personal survival above all else and won't go to any effort to make it happen.

Additionally, since everything must be done for a reason because nothing intrinsically matters, there must be a reason for the apocalypse. Or, the Gaian apocalypse anyways.

Trees! Trees are wonderful and un-human like. If only all humans could die so we would have wonderful forests everywhere!

And animals! Animals that never harm anybody except to eat them alive. (Counter-example: leopards). Trees and animals! Nature!!

Obviously trees and animals are more worthy of living than human beings. The Psychopath Gaian is also known as the Druid. Or the Holy Gaia type.

Right-Wing Authoritarian Gaian - believes that where and how you personally grew up is how you should live and others who grew up a different way should stay in their own home.

The RWA Gaian is the "true Bronxer" who talks about the gritty realism of the Bronx and how the yuppie scum are invading and bringing their fakeness with them, and how they don't belong.

The difference between an RWA affiliated Gaian and an outright RWA is the lack of any fatalism and brutality. The RWA-Gaian is a milquetoast of an RWA. They basically tut tut the yuppie.

Freak-Gaian - speaking of Yuppies ... the yuppie is concerned with minimalism ... so long as it doesn't get in the way of their Gaian obsession with wealth and personal survival at any cost.

Now, Freaks like to get tattoos and be goths and go out at night and talk about how they're damned and go out into the primitive wilderness to be eaten by bears they hug.

But as far as yuppies are concerned, all of those things would threaten their corporate or personal survival. So ... nope, nope, nope, no way, nope.

Moralist Gaian - this is the shy awkward Gaian busily working at his job and shyly hoping for a shy girl just like him to have shy sordid sex with in the privacy of his bedroom.

Shy Gaian cares about nothing above social norms and where he stands in relation to them. He cares about being bland, boring and perfectly average. That way the carnivore will overlook him in the midst of the herd.

It's funny how un-bland Moralists are with their group survival and group identity. I mean, they go off to the jungles to convert the heathens and die as missionaries. They sacrifice themselves for the group in spectacular ways.

But well ... Gaian. Personal survival at any cost, so nope, nope, nope, nope, no way, nope.

Watcher-Gaian - likes to comment on how everything is a life cycle. The reason the yuppies displaced the true Bronxers is because it's a life cycle of urban development.

An urban area becomes poor and crime ridden so rents become low. With low rents, artists move in. With artists moving in, yuppies move in. With yuppies moving in, gentrification happens. With gentrification, rents skyrocket. With increasing rents and gentrification, artists move out. Then the area dies, starting the cycle all over again.

The Watcher-Gaian knows his place in the great Life Cycle of Urban Development.

Narcissist Gaian - or The Businessman cares about making tons and tons of business contacts. Business contacts that he will go to rotary club for and charity functions with and cultivate interests to be more like them so that those contacts like him.

This is the ... Uncle Tom of Gaians. By no coincidence since Narcissists love to mind control and enslave others and Uncle Tom is a brainwashed slave. Also, Narcissists love to actively corrupt, and Businessmen swim in corruption.

Sexually Sordid Secrets

Now remember, Gaians hate public exposure above everything else. That's due to their maxim "bend the rules, don't break them" which can't possibly be done in the light of day. And which is why I keep talking about them.

But of course there are exceptions to hating public exposure. There always are exceptions with Gaians. And the exception is ... sexual servitude. Gaians are natural born slaves thus natural born sex slaves. That's a hint hint for anyone in the market.

The four primary motivations for Gaians to have sex are:
  • sex as part of a life cycle (includes breeding and incest for the sake of sexual education)
  • sex for the sake of mindless animalism (includes orgasm and bestiality, go look at Corruption of Champions as a fantastic example)
  • sex for the sake of servitude (sex slavery)
  • sex for the sake of survival (includes corporate whoring)

To Gaians, it doesn't matter if you get raped up the ass by your boss ... so long as you get adequate monetary compensation. And it doesn't matter if you're publicly exposed, so long as it's at the whims of your master or mistress who has the wealth to buy um protect you. Wealth, not power, is key to corruption.

Hell, while I'm at it, I'll mention that Narcissists don't give a damn about money. They only care about how it can intimidate others and make them famous and popular. If the world weren't populated by Gaians who could be bought by money, Narcissists would just go into politics. Oh wait, they do go into politics. Well, they'd go more into politics.

Narcissists want slaves, not money. Serfs and toadies will do in a pinch. Fawning and adulation are fourth best. In a world of Gaians that whore themselves for money, you can buy slaves easily enough.

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