Monday, July 06, 2015

You Means I

What could identity = equality = I = ego = self possibly mean in the context of group identity? Well, it means that You = I. For most people, the word "you" means I. And it's actually possible to hear that meaning when they use it. And no, I'm not talking about narcissists, that would be too fucking obvious.

It's noticeable when these people ask "where do you rewind the video?" that the "you" is indefinite and really means "I". Whereas I would say " Where the FUCK do you find the fucking rewind?" and there the "you" is definite and means "you the person that is not me".

Moralists lack any concept of mind or empathy or self-esteem or self-awareness. It's impossible to have self-esteem without a model of your own mind, and impossible to have a model without even a concept of it. And consciousness is not possessing a model of your own mind but merely attention of attention (attending to the fact you attend to things) or meta-attention.

Moralists believe the "mind" is the same identical thing as the brain. They are philosophical eliminationists, believing consciousness and the mind will be proven to not exist. At this, they are infinitely better than narcissists who believe that you are not your brain but rather are your face. If your face gets scarred then you have changed whereas if you brain gets lobotomized then you are still you.

Psychopaths don't even believe in the concept of brains unless they crack your skull open and poke in there and see them. And Right wing authoritarians believe the story that "you" are a brain is a mere convention which they will nod along to. Because the undead prove that brains can be eaten without affecting the person they are. Undeath will one day prove that you aren't brains.

So back to Moralists, they believe that all members of the group are equal and equally valuable, modulo leadership, and that you are judged by your actions. Since your actions are contingent on external pressure and social circumstances, your social circumstances dictate in large part what is you. Your brain merely implements an illusion of you as being different from other yous in the group which are all equally you.

Gaians believe the "mind" is a suspiciously empty container for memes, culture and biological urges. They believe that a person is their emotions, memories and other mindstate. When someone's mood changes they become a different person, when they acquire more memories, they become a different person, when they lose memories they become a different person. And if two people have the same emotions and memories then they are the same person.

So long as the addition and subtraction of memories can get from any person to any person (and Gaians believe memories define people) then "you" is exactly identical to "I" to Gaians. The only proviso is of course that different "I"s are at different stages of their life cycle. Some are more advanced and some are more retarded. Some are still being "taught to think" by their good master um parents, and others have already reproduced.

And it bears repeating, Gaians don't have any concept of mind. By "mind" they mean "the combination of the superego and the id" with no ego in between. Gaians believe that social pressure is a real thing and complain about how much it conflicts with their id. Now, you may be retarded enough to call this a "concept of mind" but that would make you the kind of retard that believes LEGO blocks are "construction material".

As proof that Gaians have no ego, I point to their naked and craven begging they engage in when they ask for favors. They say "it never hurts to ask" because they have no idea whether others will be inclined to agree or not, and because they have no ego to suffer shame or embarrassment. They talk about "the puppy dog eyes" because of course they beg for favors as cravenly as a dog begs its master for treats.

Incidentally, Gaian "self-esteem" is simply happiness since of course there is no concept of mind TO esteem and there is no ego to do the esteeming. And while I'm at it, I highly recommend Gaians as sex slaves since they love nothing better than servitude and being fucked. Unfortunately, they also love eating, sitting on their ass playing games, and see nothing wrong with getting fat, so you'll have to keep your sex slave on a diet.

Moving on, Freaks believe that "mind" is subjective awareness, and believe that "you" are your subjective experiences. They also believe that concepts and percepts "must be experienced" and cannot be communicated in any way, least of all language. That is why "you have to be here" for them to explain something trivial that they could have easily said on the phone. It is also why they become graphics designers obsessed with icons, audiovisuals and paralinguistics.

Freaks also believe that if two people share the same subjective experiences (eg, see the same thing because they are at the same physical location) then they are of "one mind" and possess a "common sense". Thus, by sitting close together, "you" becomes "I". And it is the reason why if they sense that you are unlike them in some way (eg, possess one of those mythical different personality types) then they will get gone after sexing you rather than cuddling.

To recap, Freaks are subjectivists and phenomenologists. And from those two facts it follows they are relativists since everyone can become anyone else by simple physical transposition. It's also the reason why Freaks are into movement, transportation, teleportation and unstoppability (as opposed to say invincibility). Because the more they move, the more they can experience, and amassing lots of different subjective experiences are the only thing that matters.

It's also why they're into shapeshifting, because by experiencing different things you become a different person since "you" is your experiences. Movement is just a degraded form of shapeshifting to them. It's also why they "move through life" when they age. As opposed to the Gaians who "advance" through their life cycle. Incidentally, Gaians also say they are "not that advanced" rather than "I'm not that smart" since "you equals I" means you can't be smarter than them.

Freaks also misuse "in your mind" to mean in your subjective awareness. Because again, they have no concept of mind, even less a model of it. Freaks can "just sense" when someone is different or the same as they are. In this same way, and by absolutely no coincidence, they can "just sense" true love rather than doomed love. Doomed love as would happen if the other person were "secretly" a psychopath, a narcissist or a yuppie.

Yet Freaks are very clear that personality types are mythical since "we are all different" and can't possibly be typed. Models of mind cannot be constructed and even if they could, they wouldn't be useful anyways. It is far better to go with the ideology of phenomenology and to hide the nasty discrepancies to this retarded ideology which your subconscious keeps throwing up.

Discrepancies such as the existence of Nazis, the Cold War, World War 2, World War 1, the 30 Years War, the Hundred Years War, ... you know, pretty much all of history. But then, Freaks aren't fans of history. Nor are they fans of anthropology except of course that it is marginal and so should be embraced the same way that goth hip hop should be embraced, and walking in the night being a vampire. It is bizarre, it is strange, therefore it is Freak. even if Freaks never actually go into that field.


  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    hahaha. Excellent.

    I haven't made that mistake since I was a child, and I've moved long past it.

    So, which of the morons you listed are the "We are all one" (sounds like you = i) people?

  2. Moralists of course. Freaks are the "I contradict myself, I contain multitudes, I am legion" and "multiple personalities? yay!". The many are one vs the one is many. It's why Moralists and Freaks ... don't like each other.

    You will note that these are complementary. Moralists have one mind, many actions. Freaks have one action, many minds. Freaks hate specialization, love primitiveness, love everyone doing the same stuff or at least being capable of it.

    Freaks all wear the same anti-establishment "ironic" t-shirts, they all act the same at their stupid Shriner conventions, they all wear the same dark eyeliner and tattoos and they all read the same vampire novels.

    Freaks love individuality ... but they also love contradiction. And what's more contradictory than not having any individuality while loving it? They can conform to each other while claiming to be individuals and call this "ironic".

    Freaks become graphics designers because they can't be bothered to conform to a standard such as English in order to communicate. Freaks become human resources people because they see human beings as totally interchangeable.

    The 180 degree opposite of retardation is equal and opposite retardation. So don't focus overly on one category of moron. Because that would be moronic.

    Oh and by "you = I" I meant all of them. It's just that some honestly say it while others mean it while saying the contrary.

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I love you Richard Kulisz.

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    For goth hip hop, search google for "Salem witch house".

  5. Anonymous8:50 AM

    or "Salem King Night".
