It's wise to keep track of what your mortal enemies do, and there's little that more exemplifies Pure Evil in this world than Eliezer Yudkowsky. Not even American corporations ... okay, equaled only by American corporations. But American corporations are a known and predictable quantity. So anyways, if you've read Yudkowsky's Methods of Rationality (gag, what a pretentious title) then you know that Yudkowsky considers all of these to be signs of the superior intellect,
- multiple personalities disorder
- hedonism
- lack of empathy
- dominance and competitiveness pretentious misuse of language
That's right, if you're hearing voices in your head that means you're thinking faster than other people. Which of course means you're cool and superior and a better person since hearing only ONE voice in your head (your own) is for normal (ie, inferior) people. It doesn't mean you have a clinical disorder which should lead to your getting checked into a mental institution. We know mental institutions are for inferior intellects anyways, right? And we know that being "special" could never be bad!
Additionally, if your entire life is governed by senseless pursuit of meaningless pleasure and pain (sex, drugs and rock n roll is just one option; adulation and glory are another; parties and art objects another) to the point where you spend hours calculating just how much of that next dose of powdered pleasure you should take for maximum effect then you're a superior intellect. It certainly doesn't mean that you are an animalistic savage. The kind of savage that's lower even than cannibalistic savages. Also known as an animal. No no, you are superior for thinking like an animal!
Furthermore, if you are incapable of understanding other people then it means that they are inferior to you. They are "irrational" and you yourself are simply too "rational" to grasp them beyond enumerating their "biases" and naming them. It certainly doesn't mean that you are the inferior person since you're incapable of grasping them. After all, everyone knows that children and toddlers are beyond the comprehension of adults, they're simply too inferior to be understood. The same way that adolescents are beyond the comprehension of their teachers. Or animals are beyond the comprehension of zookeepers. Inferiority is incomprehensible.
Going on, if you're obsessed with petty dominance games which others tend to grow out of as they reach adulthood (except for right-wing authoritarians, narcissists and psychopaths) then it means that you are good at those games. It certainly doesn't mean that you're an idiot incapable of grasping that "winning" and "being #1" are categorically (everywhere and everywhen, in every instance) corrosive and destructive. That there is absolutely nothing redeeming about 'making others lose' whatsoever and that only small children and retarded people (and Americans, at the risk of being redundant) believe in something so atrociously idiotic. After all, we all know where America's obsessive-compulsive desire to be #1 led it to - trillions in debt after a destructive war in Iraq. And that's a GOOD place to go to!Finally, Bayes Bayes Bayes, meta meta meta, bias bias bias, probability probability probability. Misusing Bayes' theorem when you really mean probability, misusing meta- when you really mean regression (the meta-level of playing against a chess player is playing a different variant of chess, not playing smarter), misusing bias when you mean prejudice, and misusing probability when you mean guesstimate or SWAG (scientific wild ass guess), these all mean that one is smart, S-M-R-T. Just like making unnecessary and incorrect references to popular culture means that one is more popular than thou. Just like making religious references means that one is holier than thou. Isn't that right you sinful heathens?! Watch as I bask in my holiness! It's simple logic! Surround yourself with SYMBOLS of intelligence and it MAKES you intelligence!
So THESE are the signs of the superior intellect. An idiot animal incapable of understanding any human beings who hears voices in his head and has been trained to yap particular words like a parrot. And just like Khan's, I am laughing at the superior intellect. Incidentally, Khan Noonian Singh is everything that Eliezer Yudkowsky wishes he were. Except for the part about dying in a blaze of glory. Eliezer is simply too gutless to do that.