Monday, October 14, 2013

Children's Heroes Don't Have To Be Evil

In Anglo-American culture, you've got Tarzan. Tarzan is the Big Man of the jungle, hence a Narcissist. Then you've got Conan the Barbarian who became Conan the Destroyer. He's a Psychopath pure and simple. Both of these characters and culture heroes are Evil with a capital E. But it doesn't have to be that way.

In Francophone culture, you've got Rahan, son of the wild ages. He's a communist who epitomizes everything that it means to live for 'Liberté, égalité, fraternité'. He's a discoverer, inventor, explorer, altruistic and selfless. He is Good.

Rahan goes around with a bear claw necklace each of whose claws represents an ideal and universal principle he lives by. Courage, loyalty, generosity, resilience, wisdom. And then he eventually adds another, curiosity. If Conan did the same thing, they'd be named Rape, Loot and Murder.

Culture heroes are pure propaganda. And whether it's Rahan or Once Upon A Time, the propaganda is shameless. The only difference in that regard between Anglo and Franco propaganda is that Anglos propagandize Evil and Francos Good.

1 comment:

CosmicCat said...